
9 Things That Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Eating 2 Eggs a Day

  Today we’re going to talk about the main 9 health benefits of eggs. Eggs are one of the most popular foods nowadays, and there’s a reason why. Organic (free-range) eggs are highly beneficial for your health, and eating 2-3 eggs every day can really improve your well-being. Here are 9 reasons why you should include eggs in your daily diet: Slow down the aging process According to one Dutch study, consuming eggs every day can reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin and slow down the aging process. The participants in the study also experiencing better skin quality, and their wrinkles around the eyes were gone in just a short time. Great for your fertility Eggs contain a variety of vitamins including vitamin B9 (folic acid) which is recommended to pregnant women as it can prevent neural tube defects and reduce the risk of mental disorders in infants. The average egg contains 7 mcg. of folic acid, which is why you should include eggs in your diet, especially if pregnant. Red...

7 Habits That Really Make The Relationship Strong

  Firsts, these are very memorable events you could not deny. They may come in very varied ways but they share that common effect which is something that stays within the person. First date, what do you think about it? When the time comes that you are about to experience it or even not just the first but any romantic date for that matter, you have to carry with you tips that could make that one ordinary night or time that would let you reminisce it even years after. 1). Relax as the date starts;  get a drink for both of you if you see the need of doing so. But of course it has to go with a very nice conversation for this is what really matters. A fine start would surely carry the positive vibes all throughout the moment. 2). Be attentive,  and this does not involve the ears, you need to observe those unspoken words and signs from the other person. Be sensitive, it really matters a lot. 3). Do not think about the event in a very serious demeanor.  It may just put you...

6 Morning Habits That Cause Weight Gain

    All of us have a particular morning routine. Even if you don’t go by the book, or have to-do lists organized, you can recognize a certain pattern of behavior that you follow once you wake up. It may be something as planned as having a cup of lemon juice as soon as you wake up, or crashing the alarm exactly 20 times each day. Here are 6 things you do that could cause weight gain: 1. You Laze Around In Dim Light: According to credible research, if you move around in your musty room, with the curtains drawn, you are depriving yourself of the benefits of sunlight. That dark room might even lead to lethargy and lead you to procrastinate. 2. Not Keeping A Constant Check: A very healthy habit is to check your weight as soon as you have woken up. That is the optimum period of the day for determining the correct number. Most of us skip the deed, either because we are in a hurry, or because we do not want to be depressed early in the morning. 3. Not Having Breakfast: It happens to ...


     When we are in love the only thing on our mind is the person we fell for. Love can sometimes be blinding and this means we are more prone to making choices that can have serious negative consequences in the future. Imagine being married to a guy who thinks you are not worthy of wonderful things, does not like to be seen with you and thinks of you as nothing more than his wife or thinks you don’t have the qualities he wants in his girl. Isn’t it like the worst dream ever? So We’ve Listed Down Some Qualities And If Your Man Has Most Of Them Then Reconsider Your Choices And Don’t Marry Him! 1. MORE FOCUSED ON HIS WORK THAN YOU Soon after marriage, there is a steep rise in responsibilities and if he isn’t giving time to you right now you already know what’s going to happen after you marry him. So it’s better if he balances both but if he doesn’t let him be with his work rather than you. 2. HE DOESN’T RESPECT YOU AND ABUSES YOU Do you need another reason to break the rel...

Do Not Marry A Guy Who Has These 15 HabitsDo Not Marry A Guy Who Has These 15 Habits

      Marrying a guy who is the complete opposite of your imaginary Mr. Right would be a great folly. Imagine being married to a guy who thinks you are not worthy of wonderful things, does not like to be seen with you and thinks of you as nothing more than his wife. Isn’t it like the worst dream ever? Mind you, judging people for doing bad, immoral things is justified. So take some time out before you decide to marry a guy, even if you have dated him for a long time, and go through these 15 habits. If he has them, or most of them, reject him and shut the case closely because once you read these habits, you will realize that the only thing you need to do with this guy is either get him jailed or be miles away from him. 1. Narrow-mindedness: The idea of spending your whole life with a guy who is not open-minded sounds like a nightmare. You don’t want to be with someone for the rest of your life who restraints you from doing all the normal things just because of his fear of...

This Kills Sugar In Your Body: It Will Disappear In Just 3 Days And You Will Lose Weight

       Diet based on sugar, fats and carbohydrates is the main cause of excess weight. Generally, people are not aware of how much sugar they consume during the day mostly because they do not know that the foods they are eating contains sugar. This results in excessive weight, frequent mood changes, insomnia, fatigue and disorientation. Eating high amounts of sugar in long terms increases the risk of developing serious diseases, including diabetes, breast cancer and coronary disease. When we consume sugar, the body uses it to turn it into energy. However, high sugar intake causes the body to accumulate the excessive sugar in the blood. Therefore, it is recommended that you control your sugar intake. Here is a simple and easy way to regulate your blood sugar levels and protect yourself from a number of serious health conditions: Day 1 Breakfast: a cup of oatmeal with seeds, almonds or berries or 3 scrambled eggs Snack: a cup of walnuts Lunch: boiled chicken breast an...

7 Things Happy Couples Do Before They Go To Sleep

   In this growing era of the constant hustle and bustle, one must feel grateful if they have even a few hours to spend with their partner. However, the critical part is that when you have time, make sure to make the most of it. Talk, enjoy, go out for a movie or stay at home to Netflix and Chill. We, at Mom Junction, list a few psychologist recommended tips to make sure you and your partner go to bed happy. 1. Forget About Work When in bed, stop checking up on what your colleagues are up to or what work is due for the next day. Instead, spend some quality time with your partner and rejuvenate yourself to be more productive for the next day. Anything that worries either you or your partner is not worth discussing; be it financial troubles or workplace issues. 2. Unplug Your Electronics And Phones A lot of light exposure at night time can lead to sleep deprivation, and it even suppresses the release of the sleep hormone, melatonin (1). While your brain is preparing for rest, i...